School Reopening – September 14, 2020

General Information during the Hybrid Learning Phase:
Hybrid learning refers to a school offering both in-person classes and distance learning for students. Starting on September 14, Wellton Elementary School will start Hybrid Learning. School will start at 7:45 and dismiss at 1:00. These are the hours starting September 14 through October 1. The afternoon hours will be used to allow students to finish classroom assignments and to complete their daily reading.

When making the decision for in-person learning or distance learning, we are asking parents to make the decision for at least a month at a time. The exception is the first two weeks of school. Students will be added to on campus classes the first Monday of each month. If a parent decides to have their child come to on campus classes starting in October, they will need to notify us by September 28 (one week prior) and the student would start on October 5. The one-week advanced notice will give us time to ensure that classes stay small and social distancing will be maintained.

In order for buses to pick up students, please call the office so we know that your child/children should be picked up. Please call or message through Class Dojo by Thursday, September 10. Buses will drop students off at the North Gate at 7:45 and students will be directed toward the office while maintaining social distancing. Teachers will be near the office in designated areas waiting for their students.

Students who are driven to school by their parents must be dropped off by the front office between 7:45 and 7:55. Parents should not park or get out of their cars. Please drive around the curve to the office entrance and then only the student(s) should exit the car. Students will have their temperature taken and directed toward their teacher/class.

Students riding a bus will be dismissed from class 15 minutes before the regular dismissal time. This will ensure that buses can leave campus before parents arrive to pick up their children in the North Parking Lot. At dismissal, parents should not exit their cars but wait for students to come to their car.

The School Office:
• The school office will NOT be open when students are entering or exiting campus – 7:45 – 8:15 and 12:45 – 1:15.
• All school employees will wear a mask at all times as per Governor’s executive order. Plexiglass has been installed on the office counter to ensure safety.
• NO students will be waiting in the office. We ask that no more than 2 adults enter the office area at one time.
• All staff members will enter through the main office gate, enter the office and are immediately scanned for temperature before proceeding to the appropriate workplace.